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08 Dec

Building Brand Awareness Through Timely Content

Leveraging owned media channels gives businesses the opportunity to build brand awareness while earning a trusted position with their readers as a resource for information on industry trends. Owned media channels include your website, blog, email marketing campaigns, and social media pages where you completely control the messaging. In the Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned […]

Crisis planning for businesses 26 Aug

Making things right when the unexpected happens

Decision-making is a key part of our lives and professional pursuits, however, at times, even the best decisions yield the wrong results. While repairing relationships in our personal lives are quite different from managing crises in business, there are some similarities. In a recent article titled “Apology 101: Make things right” by John Baldoni, eliminating […]

24 Aug

Role of corporate communications in building brand and managing reputations

Reporters and Public Relations (PR) professionals play a vital role in our society, economy, and lives by facilitating the sharing of information with the public that assists with daily decision making processes. Reporters work as a watchdog, trying to uncover issues and create change by providing consumers with information that they may not otherwise discover […]

Collaborative leadership 24 Aug

NASCAR Crisis Communications Case Study

NASCAR is synonymous with Southern culture and the use of the Confederate flag. NASCAR asked fans to voluntarily stop flying the Confederate flag after the 2015 massacre of African Americans in a Charleston South Carolina Church. After high profile police murders recently led to mass protests across the U.S., NASCAR announced the prohibition of the […]

